Your First Time Using a Dutch Oven? Start Here!

Here is a Chart showing the general vicinity of temperatures to expect from your briquettes. If you are saving your money to only get 1 Dutch Oven, I recommend a 12 Inch Size so you can bake a good sized round loaf of Sourdough Bread or a pie or a small pizza or such. Any […]

How to Prepare for an EMP

There is certainly a great deal more information we could cover regarding electromagnetic pulses and the use of a Faraday cage to protect your electronics, but this is just for those who have not been aware of the threat….or the solutions available. If you would like to learn more, check out the Wikipedia links below […]

How to use a Crock Pot for an Easy, Scrumptious Meal

Some call them Crock Pots. Some call the Slow Cookers.  I call them the most wonderful invention ever!  If you want to feel domestic while still running off to your day job, this wonderful contraption lets you collect all kinds of points with your spouse or family!  In anywhere from 3 hours to 10 hours […]

How To Make Butter Last Forever

Try this once and you will be easily hooked!  Ghee has a nutty, buttery richness to it that you won’t taste in fresh butter.  If you haven’t tried it, the recipe is simple. One ingredient simple!  So if you can find a candy thermometer and a good sauce pan, give this a shot. Let us […]